Climate Change - 2017 preliminary temperature report
According to preliminary reports from NASA, 2017 was the warmest non-El Nino year in the modern record.

Overall, 2017 was the second-warmest year in the modern record.
This chart uses the RSS dataset, which uses data collected from satellites:

Overall, 2017 was the second-warmest year in the modern record.
This chart uses the RSS dataset, which uses data collected from satellites:

The Copernicus data also shows 2017 as the second-warmest year:

To date, all 17 years of the 21st century rank among the 18 warmest on record (adding 1998 makes up the full 17.)
The decadal temperatures also show how much the Earth is warming.
2001-2010 14.47 deg C
1991-2000 14.26 deg C
1981-1990 14.12 deg C
1971-1980 13.95 deg C
1961-1970 13.93 deg C
1951-1960 13.92 deg C
1941-1950 13.95 deg C
1931-1940 13.89 deg C
1921-1930 13.76 deg C
1991-2000 14.26 deg C
1981-1990 14.12 deg C
1971-1980 13.95 deg C
1961-1970 13.93 deg C
1951-1960 13.92 deg C
1941-1950 13.95 deg C
1931-1940 13.89 deg C
1921-1930 13.76 deg C
That's from "The Global Climate 2001-2010, a decade of climate extremes" from the WMO.
The World Meteorological Organisation presents average global temperatures per decade, calculated from all the major datasets.