Climate Change - Charting the rising levels of carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising. This graph showing the data is called the Keeling Curve . The small up-and-down pattern is caused by changes during each year - in the summer in the northern hemisphere, there is more photosynthesis which causes CO2 levels to fall. The Keeling Curve is named after the scientist who first produced accurate measurements of carbon dioxide in the air - Charles David Keeling. Charles David Keeling in the lab. Keeling's collection of data began in 1958. Concentration is measured in p arts p er m illion (ppm) March 2015 was the first time for hundreds of thousands of years that CO2 exceeded 400 ppm for a whole month. Ice core data shows humans have never breathed air containing so much CO2. Since Keeling began recording, CO2 has risen from 318 ppm to 400 ppm... a rise of around 25%. The fastest rise of CO 2 in the air seen in the ice...