Climate Change Demystified
"It’s about disrupting fundamental earth processes. They’re not stable.
These systems have the capacity to be very unstable, when you poke the climate system with a sharp stick." Dr Sarah Myhre
These systems have the capacity to be very unstable, when you poke the climate system with a sharp stick." Dr Sarah Myhre
The Warming Earth
- The Warming Earth - 2015 temperatures
- The Warming Earth - The Warmest Winter
- The Warming Earth - 2014
- The Warming Earth - Why are some years still cooler than others?
- The Warming Earth - Climate change is making animals move
- The Warming Earth - Was an Ice Age predicted in the 1970s?
- The Warming Earth - What share of warming is caused by human activities?
- The Warming Earth - Climate Prediction is not Weather Forecasting
- The Warming Earth - Where does the heat go?
- The Warming Earth - Is the Sun causing Warming? Or Cooling?
- The Warming Earth - Temperature evidence, and the "2 degree limit"
- The Warming Earth - What does 'climate' actually mean?

The Big Melt
- The Big Melt ... Arctic sea ice maximum area in 2015
- The Big Melt ... The Iceman
- The Big Melt ... Iceland, its volcanoes and ice caps
- The Big Melt ... Mammoths from the permafrost
- The Big Melt ... Greenland - the melting ice giant
- The Big Melt ... Glacial archaeology
- The Big Melt ... Antarctica is not gaining ice
- The Big Melt ... What's happening to glaciers?
Carbon Dioxide in the Air
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - The Unburnable Fossil Fuels
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Mass extinctions
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Long-term effects of CO2
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - The Carbon Cycle
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Increasing Greenhouse Effect
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - The Greenhouse Effect - Rebooting the Pliocene
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Volcanic CO2 compared to human activities
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - from Fossil Fuels
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Evidence from Ice Cores
- Carbon Dioxide in the Air - Recording CO2 - the Keeling Curve

The Ice Age
- The Ice Age - The Discovery of Abrupt Climate Change
- The Ice Age - Long Lost Relatives
- The Ice Age - The Last Interglacial
- The Ice Age - Doggerland
- The Ice Age - How Ice Ages come & go, & why things are different now
- The Ice Age - Glacial and Interglacial Stages

The Oceans
- The Oceans - Ocean life can take millennia to recover from climate change
- The Oceans - Oceans Are Losing Oxygen
- The Oceans - Ice in the Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean
- The Oceans - Arctic Ocean sea ice, Svalbard and Polar Bears
- The Oceans - Permian ocean acidification
- The Oceans - Acidification - what does it mean?
- The Oceans - Record sea-surface temperatures around Australia
- The Oceans - What's going on with the Gulf Stream?
- The Oceans - Volcanic cycles, and changes in the past climate
- The Oceans - Corals and Coral Bleaching
- The Oceans - Deltas at risk
- The Oceans - Hurricanes, typhoons, cyclones
- The Oceans - Rising sea level linked to warmer seas and melting ice
- The Oceans - Planet Earth or Planet Water?

The Changing Earth
- The Changing Earth - Farming, food & possible mass migrations
- The Changing Earth - Climate Refugees? The Sundarbans & Oceania
- The Changing Earth - Water supply in Australia & the US Great Plains
- The Changing Earth - Who changed 'Global Warming' to 'Climate Change'?
- The Changing Earth - "Climate has always changed,so why the fuss now?"
- The Changing Earth - The Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age
- The Changing Earth - Early steps in Climate Science
- The Changing Earth - The Experts
- The Changing Earth - Extreme Weather- weather on steroids
- The Changing Earth - Can climate change affect earthquakes & volcanoes?

"We are messing with the trigger that causes climate change....the outcome is likely to be ferocious." - Russell Coope