Climate Change - How Ice Ages come & go, & why things are different now
Some people claim the current climate change has " natural causes ". They talk about the changes during the 'Ice Age' , thinking the current events must be natural as well. Scientists say that is not the case. The current situation is different. The things that caused the changes in the Ice Age are not exactly the same this time. The graph below shows that carbon dioxide in the air has increased and decreased over hundreds of thousands of years. The recent increase in carbon dioxide is much bigger and faster than the natural changes. The low readings match with times called 'glacial stages'. During glacial stages, ice covered large areas of the Earth. The most recent glacial stage occurred between 115,000 and 11,500 years ago. The peaks in the graph show times when carbon dioxide was high. Those times are called 'interglacial stages' . Glacial and interglacial stages are linked to regular patterns in the movements of the...