Climate Change - August 2015 global temperature information
August 2015 was the warmest August in the 136-year modern record.
The previous record was set in August 2014.
August 2015 was warmer than August 2014 by 0.09°C (0.16°F)
Most of the world's surface was substantially warmer than average and, in some locations, record warm during August 2015, contributing to the monthly global record warmth.
This was the sixth month in 2015 that has broken its monthly temperature record (February, March, May, June, July, and August).
The United States National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration has produced this graphic of the modern instrumental temperature record.
Global surface temperature anomaly for 2015 so far is in green - the 6 previous warmest years are in red.
The recent rise in temperature has happened as industrial societies have burned fossil fuels.