Climate Change - Heading for 2 degrees rise in global temperatures
The highly respected Berkeley Earth project has reported that 2015 was the warmest year in the modern record, by a significant margin.
This chart shows the annual average global temperatures up to 2015, from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS)

It's useful to look at average global temperatures by comparing decades.
Since the mid 20th century global temperatures have risen, decade by decade.
New research published June 2015 confirms this trend:

Over a longer term, it's obvious that the current situation is unusual.

A temperature rise of 2 degrees C above pre-industrial temperature has been agreed as a threshold beyond which climate change risks become unacceptably high.
However, there are major objections even to the "two-degree limit".
Many say the number is simply too high.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has pointed out that a two-degree global average rise might result in Africa’s temperature rising as much as 3.5 degrees C —a potentially disastrous change.
The current rise in temperature has reversed all the natural trends.
However, there are major objections even to the "two-degree limit".
Many say the number is simply too high.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has pointed out that a two-degree global average rise might result in Africa’s temperature rising as much as 3.5 degrees C —a potentially disastrous change.
The current rise in temperature has reversed all the natural trends.