Climate Change - Animals are moving
Animals are reacting to climate change very quickly. Some move to higher places, others move north or south. Dragonflies love warmer temperatures. UK dragonflies have mainly stayed in the south of the country, until recently. Ruddy Darter ( Sympetrum sanguineum ) Since 1980, 34 out of the 37 British species of dragonfly have expanded their range northwards by an average of 74km. That is over 2km per year..... nearly 6 metres per day. For example, the ruddy darter ( Sympetrum sanguineum ) and the hairy dragonfly , ( Brachytron pratense ), have moved into north-west England. This is evidence that the UK’s climate is growing warmer. "So much has happened to dragonflies in Britain since the 1990s that there is a most compelling case for the Government to adopt them as indicators of climate change", said Steve Brooks . He is a London Natural History Museum research entomologist, with a special interest in th...